Well, no.. my blog is not usually a fairy tale, but every once in a while its bound to happen! I'd like to tell you a story.
5 or 6 or 1000 years ago, I worked at Barnes and Noble with a girl named Holly. She was from Green Bay Wisconsin and somehow ended up in my store in Connecticut. To add to the weirdness, her birthday is May 22 and Mine is May 24th. We both love Taylor Swift and Cheesy 90's boy bands and late night runs to Taco Bell and we hit if off just fine!
One day, Holly left me :( She went back to Green Bay and I was very sad. I don't have anyone that will go with me to the Backstreet Boys concerts anymore :( .... Yes they are still touring... Yes they are still amazing. :) Please keep your laughs to yourself!
So, When I received the phone call that Holly was engaged, I was SOOOOOO excited. Oh, and I wasn't missing it for the world.
On October 6th, Andrew and myself flew to Minnesota (we had to make a stop to visit friends of ours). We stayed the night in Minnesota and then rented a car and drove to Green Bay Wisconsin. It weird out there, Its FLAT! But we made it JUST in time!
This was our view for 5 hours.
Road Trippin'
We started at the rehearsal where we got to meet the wedding party.
We got the lay of the land, had dinner with the wedding party and family and then headed to the hotel. Had to prepare and get ready for the BIG day!!!
The wedding ceremony was held at the Green Bay Wisconsin Railroad Museum. Which made my job so much more fun! We had a lot to play with!
The ceremony went off without a hitch and then we were off to pictures and then PARTY TIME!!
Holly and her now husband Eric met at Barnes and Noble, Which is weird because thats where WE met! Really, she couldn't have found a sweeter most perfect guy, well.. Besides Andrew of course ;) At the Salon the morning before the wedding, while all the girls were getting their hair done.. Flowers were delivered, to Holly, Her mom, and Eric's mom. All from Eric. It was just the sweetest thing. They are perfect for each other!! I am now proud to call both Holly and Eric my friends.
I knew some of Holly's Family, but obviously this was my first time meeting Eric's and they were just as sweet!! Lets meet the Wedding Party, shall we ?!?
This is Holly and Eric... which I'm guessing you already figured out! They both arrived to the ceremony on the train *separately of course and then after they were married all the guests got to ride on the train around the museum!

The Made of Honor.. Tesia
The Best Man... Justin

Brides maid Lauren
Grooms Man Kevin
Flower Girl.. Miss Ava
Ring Bearer... Braeden
How bout' the Moms and Dads? They deserve a little love too! Congratulations to EVERYONE on this happy day!
Now that you have met the beautiful bridal party I have to say.. I had a HUGE help with me on this wedding.. That would of course be, my (ahem) assistant Andrew. Who after this wedding said he never wants to help me again.. hahaha Weddings are a lot of pressure!!! Its a big day for 2 people and it needs to go off as smooth as possible. He made sure everyone was hydrated.. he had a walkie and would let the grounds people know what needed to be done. He jumped in the truck and helped the guys at the museum. He even waited at the end of the aisle to remind the flower girl to throw her peddles. He is Awesome. Thank you Andrew <3
This is one of my favorite pictures! I made Holly take off her shoes and we put them on the steps to one of the trains.. I loved the old dirty rust against her beautiful shoes!
There is something about people from Green Bay, they do love their sports teams!!
Now, I personally feel that this was a Barnes and Noble kinda wedding. The Bride and Groom met there, The bride and I met there, and the lovely Lady.. Anna.. from the B&N made the wedding Cake!!! So naturally when the bride and groom said.. "we have to take pictures at Barnes and Noble" how could I refuse!!
The reception was lovely as well!! Here are a few more for you to enjoy as the night went on..
Baseball Themed Grooms cake!!! ANNA you did an awesome job with these!!!

Is it ok for the photographer to cry at weddings? haha Cause that NEVER happened. Well at least you couldn't tell because I was hiding behind my camera. But yeah.. it was an emotional and beautiful wedding and I was so thankful to be apart of it!!!! It means a lot when someone trusts you to take care of the memories from one of the most important days in their lives. Love you both.
Congratulations Holly and Eric
Awesome shots!