My Life in Words and Pictures...
I can't very well have a blog called "my life in words and pictures" if I only share other people's lives with my words and my pictures. So... today I've decided to tell my story.
This is me!!
Slow down.
I'm in the belly... That wonderful lady holding me is my mama. :) I was born 3 months later on May 24th.
I can't lie, I had it pretty great growing up. I was very blessed. My mom is a pretty awesome lady who did everything in her power to make sure I had everything I needed and was a happy kid.
THIS is me. Adorable, blue eyed, bald till i was two, bouncing baby girl!
I have a very awesome supportive family who have helped me my whole life. Except of course, when I wanted a barbie jeep that I could ride around in.. I've yet to see that happen. Also, why did I not get the easy bake oven? Honestly people.. is it too much to ask? I'm not bitter though.
Now, As I have grown and started my own business I find it very important to keep up with news and events. I'd like to thank my mom for instilling that in me at a young age. Even if you have to work through lunch, its good to stay on top of things.
And how bout those kicks? Someone had some good style.
Everyone has there "favorite things" list. Here is mine.
Color: Pink
Word: Crisp
Flower: Tuplip
Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Male Singer: Jason Mraz
Female Singer: Martina Mcbride
Favorite Song: Always be my baby (super cheese I know)
City I've visited: Sydney, Australia
Brand: Apple
Favorite TV Commercial: The pet smart commercial with the dog toy "bo bo" youtube it. seriously.
Place: Disney World.
This list could go on and on... but thats just a few. The favorite food question is always the hardest for people. I know what mine is. Its sad, not classy, and certainly not healthy. However, its my comfort food and it is so tasty. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I'm not one to discriminate. My mom makes a pretty awesome home made mac and cheese. However... She started it and now its my favorite food.
Look at this face, how could you not love this face.
Although it seems that things have always gone my way and were great and fun. I've had some rough times as well. I, Karin Goodwin, have loved and lost and had to live through the sad times. Bert was a good friend. We had some good times together.

I think the real question is... Why am I the only one on the other side of this fence?
While going through old photos, I noticed there seemed to be a lot of photos of me, trying to block the camera. I'm not sure If I was followed by paparazzi or if it was my mother. Either way, I'm thankful that someone was obsessed with taking photos and I'm pretty sure I know where I get it from. 

I also tried hiding behind shades but as we can see.. i'm behind bars so really.. what are the shades gonna do?

I know I started off this blog as an "all about me" kinda blog. A way for you to get to see where I came from and who i was as a kid. But when it comes down to it, this is really a thank you to my mom. Sunday is Mothers Day and although you should ALWAYS be thankful for great moms, It's especially important to show your love and thanks to the great ones out there on May 13th. My mom is the reason I am where I am today. She raised me to be a good person. To have good values. She kept me out of trouble. She taught me to do my best and has supported me to do what I love. When I'm feeling overwhelmed and stressed she is there to hug me and tell me It will be ok. She supports the things that I love, even if she thinks its a crazy idea. My mom is the best. When I was 11 I was shipped off to summer camp. I literally cried every day and asked to go home. However, I took a photography class. It was the first time I had experienced real photography from start to finish. I took the photo, developed it in a dark room and fell in love. That photo still sits on my mom's fireplace mantel at home.
So mom, this one is for you. It is a small-ish gesture. Its a blog post. But in this day and age, nothing is official unless is it posted online or a status on facebook. So you know this is real love ;) I want to say thank you. Thank you for working so hard to make my life easy. Thank you for all your help and support and thanks for just being you. Also, thanks for the barbie jeep.
I love you.
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