It feels like a million years ago I blogged about my friend Justin getting engaged.. if you missed that blog.. CLICK HERE! They were babies back then!
Well.. Justin and Katie are still the perfect match and
Their story is unique. They are both from CT. I've known Justin since high school which was... ummm.. lets just say.. that was a few years ago. Katie I only met a few years ago (but she is lovely, you'll love her soon too) Well, they left CT and moved to Texas. They are both working and have a fur-baby Tucker and life is good. Which is great for them, but sad for the rest of us here in CT :( We miss them.
Anyway.. When they planned to get married, they HAD to come home because everyone is here and CT is beautiful and a perfect place for a fall September wedding.
Their wedding was the perfect combination of rustic, classic, fun and simple. It was just the perfect night for them. The weather was great, the venue was a sweet little farm hidden in the hills of CT, the sunset was at just the perfect moment and the people were wonderful. Oh, the food was from Old Well Tavern in Simsbury and was pretty fantastic too!
Did I mention half the groomsmen were friends of mine also and I knew I was going to be in trouble when it came time for photos. You'll see what I mean soon enough. LOVE YOU GUYS.

ok, so we have the pause this story for a moment so we can discuss the elephant in the room!
The wedding was beautiful and full of love. BUT it was missing someone SUPER important. TUCKER!!!! Katie and Justin brought Tucker with them because they were here for a month for the wedding. So.... when you are staying at a beautiful lake house with your dog and you also you are having a wedding......
This happens.
How handsome is he???
Congratulations Justin & Katie <3