The day the storm hit, happened to be the day that we handed in our graduation portfolios at school. Literally just as we were handing them over to our teacher, the rain came. It was amazing. There wasn't lightening or thunder so naturally my friends and I ran outside.
Thanks to John Nordell for this pretty awesome picture!
I live about 40 minutes from the area so my town wasn't hit by any Tornados, but the storm was scary just the same. We weren't sure if we were actually going to get hit or not. As I was driving home from school the rain was slowing down but the sky was turning black. I'm not a big fan of thunder, in fact, storms have always made me really nervous, so you can only image how Tornado warnings make me feel!!

This was the Sky on my drive home...
very ominous.
Last year, When I was living in CT, I was at work one day and a Tornado hit. It was crazy. We were all evacuated to the bottom floor of the building and the skies turned crazy colors and the clouds were swirling. NOT COOL! Then, on my drive home after the storm, a tree branch fell and hit the front of my car. I'm not talking about a smore branch, I'm talking.. tree. I can't even imagine how the families that had everything ripped apart handle this.
After the storm came through, the skies turned Yellow. It was the strangest and creepiest feeling ever. I literally kept running from the front of the house to the back, to see what was going on with the clouds and with the skies. It looked different from both ends of the house too.
this was the back..
This was the front of the house..
Pretty crazy stuff. Although the storms that hit are scary and can really do damage, they can also be quite beautiful.
So this brings us to now. Last night and I believe again tonight, we are having more storms. Nothing as crazy as the Tornado storms... but the lightening has been INTENSE. I tend to be a big baby when it comes to storms. I was trying to block out the storm, but all I kept seeing was flashing so I grabbed my camera and headed to the window. I had the perfect view of the lighting from my living room window. I put the chair in the window and waited with my camera. Who knows what you'll get right??
Tonight, in Greenfield Massachusetts they are having a fundraiser for the victims of the Tornado. They are taking donations of clothing, food and money. Also, if you want to help the local Red Cross Disaster Unit is working their butts off too... Check them out.
Thank you <3
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