I am BACK!!
KGP hit up Charleston, South Carolina with my friend and fellow photographer Abi! We checked out downtown of course, but we did a little driving while were were there and found some pretty great spots.
Down Town Charleston was lovely but I feel like we really didn't get to see a lot of it. The little bit we did see... when i wasn't driving through, I took some pictures.
First up! Magnolio Plantation and Gardens. We spent probably a good 4 hours at this place. There was so much to see. We spent waaayyy more time in the petting zoo than any twenty year olds probably should. I was shooting with the Canon 70 to 200 mm lens which allowed me to get up and close without getting into the animals faces. The fabulous peacock below was NOT a fan of the camera. He seemed ok, but then he would randomly scream and sorta run towards you. He got the point across very quickly and we left him alone. They were all so beautiful.

One of the funniest things to happen on this day was... I made a new friend.
Thank Abi for taking this lovely photo. The deer wouldn't leave me alone!! She licked me all up my arm them my neck and face. The staff thought it was hilarious!! After we walked through the petting zoo, we were walking by this beautiful lake and on the path ahead I met this guy.....
We had some gear with us on our trip! This was us changing lenses and such.
Another Favorite spot of ours was Folly Beach. It wasn't really anything special except it was a beach and the sand was soft and it was just super relaxing.
This was our rental car! She was purdy! Our super awesome car plus our GPS basically got us through this trip. We lived in this car.
Our last and Final spot where we spent most of our evenings was this random boat dock that we found in Battery Park. We made some friends along the way too. One evening there was a gentleman who was fishing on the dock who kept us company. Then another evening there was a group of people that all of a sudden moved a ton of stuff onto the dock. Sleeping bags, tents, food, I was confused so I asked what was going on, They were going camping. A friend was picking them up on his boat and they were headed to some beach.. HOW COOL IS THAT? we don't have that option in CT. :( Also, a man on a boat offered us beer and wine.. then made fun of us when we declined his offer.. haha
We had a lot of time waiting for the sun to set so I took lots of pictures of the water. A few actually came out pretty cool (in my head anyway)
We sat at the very end of this dock with our feet in the water. However, i could not put my feet in the water for very long. I have a major fear of sharks. Its sad, but true. I can go in the ocean, but not very far, or for very long. I'm weird.. but I have a major fear. So after I told this story to Abi, We are sitting on the dock and all of a sudden, Abi Whispers.. "karin, give me your camera" because of her tone I frightened me a bit, so I looked in the direction she was looking in and I see this fin sticking out of the water. I nearly had a heart attack. Come to find out.. it was a DOLPHIN!!!!! I was so excited! I wasn't able to get a picture of it though because it went under too soon. Like 20 minutes later, I ran to the car to grab something and what happens????? TWO dolphins swim past the dock and Abi got pictures of them in the sunset. Very Depressing. But that is my sad story.
On our way to Folly Beach, we passed by this... It just needed a picture because A picture says a 1000 words.
There are more pictures and A VIDEO!!! Ohhh yeah! You know you wanna check it out. Check out the KGP FACEBOOK to see more pictures and the South Carolina Video!!
Peace Ya'll
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