Saturday, April 23, 2011

*Disclaimer: No animals were harmed in the making of these photos.

Hey All!

Its Easter Weekend and Im back in CT!  Today I headed to my aunts house to take some fashion pictures with my super fantastic little model Caroline.  I had this idea to use a kid for my fashion picture so i asked my cousin Caroline and of course she was super excited to help me out.. (she always helps me with school stuff because she is awesome)

So, When i got up this morning and saw it was SNOWING!!!!!!  First, Really April? Really? ok.. so then as we were driving back to CT it turned more into rain.  I knew Caroline would be down for anything really, so i called and asked if she would wear her super cute rain boots for a fashion shoot and we made it happen!!  

At my aunts house, which is actually a farm.. If you go across the street from the main barn.. Its really grassy and green and there is a stream that runs through the middle.  Andrew calls it the "Shire" because it looks like a scene from Lord or the Rings.  Anyway, i thought this would make a really pretty place to do a fashion shot.. and with the rain and the stream, it makes sense to have rain boots right?!?

So, anyway.. we walked down there.. My model Caroline, My assistant Andrew and Myself and we went to take some pictures!!

We kept moving around trying to get the right spot, which wasn't too hard for me or Caroline because we were both wearing rain boots.. Andrew on the other hand, was not. Poor thing had to become a basketball jumper to get to where we were.. So for this.. I've brought photos so you can all see what I mean.

This is my SUPER amazing assistant leaping to come hold a reflector. He is AWESOME!  Thanks love 
Once he got to the other side, Caroline made fun of him for jumping funny.. and there was this....

She was attacked.  Which was a problem for me only because I needed her as clean as possible!!! But all is well!

So We tried a few different areas.  But after we left the "shire" we went up the street a bit to a spot on the side of the road where there was a mini waterfall that i thought it would be super cute to take pictures at. I had Caroline walking through the water and across the mini falls and near a fallen tree.  

I was able to get some super cute shots which I love, but thats not the best part.  While we were shooting, Andrew was standing by the car because we walked through mud and water and he just couldn't get there.  well.. Someone drove by and saw us.. Then called my Uncle to tell him that someone was taking pictures of his daughter in the woods.  REALLY? So, not knowing I was at the house today, He drove down the road to see what was going on and told us the story.  I swear, Karin Goodwin Photography does not make it a habit to kidnap children and take pictures of them in the woods. I ALWAYS ask first. ALWAYS!!!  :)

After we were done taking pictures in the woods, my last idea was to have her stomp in some puddles and get pictures of water splashes.  This didn't end up working because literally as she was stomping her foot down towards the water, my camera battery died and shut off. VERY SAD :( Before this happened though, I was taking pictures to set my white balance and such and snapped a picture. At the time that the picture was taken.. I did not really understand what was happening.  However, when I got home and looked at the photos this particular one made me laugh out loud.  If you see the humor.. please let me know. :)


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